6 Reacties

茅茅n maand geleden

Perhaps you should ask a dr. Instead of sharing your childs private parts on the internet

茅茅n maand geleden

This is a public forum, it鈥檚 better not to share these kind of pictures. To answer your question: it might be a skin fungus, you can buy miconazol at the pharmacy/chemist. You should let the skin dry to the air, so a few times a day without diaper.

茅茅n maand geleden

Hi! This photo was undoubtedly posted with the best intentions, but please note that this is a public forum. We would like to prevent people with bad intentions from searching for these types of photos and therefore we remove them.

茅茅n maand geleden

Reactie op 25mama

This is a public forum, it鈥檚 better not to share these kind of pictures. To ...
it's the 2nd time I'm on this application, can you please tell me how I could delete the post?

茅茅n maand geleden

Reactie op Eliza I Moderator

Hi! This photo was undoubtedly posted with the best intentions, but please ...
it's the 2nd time I'm on this application, can you please tell me how I could delete the post?

茅茅n maand geleden

Reactie op Eliza I Moderator

Hi! This photo was undoubtedly posted with the best intentions, but please ...
Oh,thank you very much 馃槆馃グ